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In this short piece, I’ll let you in on top tips, that are not secrets, lol, I wish they were secrets, on how to build wealth as an author. These tips are not easy to practice as they involve time and monaaayyyyyy. It is said, you need to use money to make money (Please who said this? I’ll be anticipating your response in the comment section. We need to give the quoter an award for being direct.)
Now down to serious business, the first tip is to:
Write & Publish More
You probably have read this somewhere else and it’s the truth. A new book works like magic on old books. Thing is, as a forward-thinking author working on becoming successful, you’ll keep learning with every book you put out there, especially with marketing. New readers will find you, love your work, and will go in search of your older works. Have you read one book by an author you’ve never heard of, went in search of their other books, and wham bam! You’re their evangelist? Yes?
For this to happen for and to you, you’ll need to write, collaborate and publish books more…strategically – at least for every year.
My Story: I worked with 19 authors to publish the Hell Hath No Fury Anthology. It was no easy feat, as I was wrapping off Crossroads and was in charge of coordinating the success of the anthology. Upon publication of the anthology which affected my marketing plans for Crossroads (a story for another day), I noticed a surge in the purchase of my older books and even got emails of how to get paperback versions of my books.
Professionally Designed Covers Are A Thing
Another common tip I believe in and other successful authors will tell you the same is the power of professionally designed book covers. It’s tempting to create a book cover using graphic designing applications or even give it to anyone to help you design it. I understand money can be…an issue. But like I said earlier, you need to use money to make money.
From one writer to another, if you don’t get at least two, WAOH! I LOVE THAT COVER on your cover reveal day, tweak it! Okay…that’s my personal sentiment.
So back to professionally designed covers, 52% of readers judge books by their covers, especially when you’re not there to explain what happened in the book (or if you’re not a big name yet.)
My Story: I have a team of professional graphic book designers. PS: note that a designer is different from an illustrator (I will link a detailed article on book cover designs). So yeah…I was saying I have a team of professional graphic book designers and a team of critiques (my readers/street team cause they are my target audience). Anytime my graphic designers complete a job and I’m like this is good! I turn it over to my critiques. If my critiques don’t scream or swoon upon seeing the covers, the graphic designers and I are going back to the drawing table. PS: I can help create your professionally designed book covers.
Work with Professional Editors
This is another important and common tip you’ll see out there. I won’t write much about this because you yourself will never, no matter how dare the author of a book is to you, will never read a book till the end if you keep encountering errors in every chapter, even paragraph, or even the whole story.
Take note that editing a book includes editing the structure of the story, consistencies within the story and so much more. You can watch more about this on my YouTube page.
My Story: Releasing my first novel was trying as I had to learn about the types of editing. Reaching out to some editors I asked for sample editing by sending them at least one thousand words from my manuscript. Those that refused, I didn’t bother myself with them because even the best editor in the market offers sample editing (don’t let any editor make you feel like you’re doing too much). And this helps you in knowing which editor/editing style works best for you.
Free Promotion Is A Power Full Tool
This includes giveaways, running promos, free books on signups, choosing a day or week to make your books free or cheap on a specific platform. Sometimes, quantity over money to be made. To build wealth as earlier mentioned, you need to write more, and giving some old books out for free will in most cases cause the readership for new books to go up. It will also bring new readers to your zone.
My Story: I wanted to be a bestselling author on a digital book platform and sold my book for a discount which resulted in achieving my goal and brand. I got more readers who anticipate my new releases and might never have attained such so fast (the bestseller title on that platform and new readers) had I not discounted my book for a limited time.
In conclusion
- Write and publish more books,
- Use professionally designed covers,
- Work with professional editors,
- Offer your books for free,
- And read on How To Be A Successful Author for more tips.
I hope this post has been helpful, as I want to help you reduce the stress of self-publishing your books, and help you make money while at it. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with me today and successfully launch your book.