I am sharing a list of products that are easy to find, use and natural for natural hair care. You don’t need to break your bank to get your hair looking and feeling good.

African Black soap
This is your shampoo. It is easy to make. Cheap on the shelves. Overlooked by others, but we know it works. It sometimes bleaches the hair towards a brownish-gold colour, but it does the job. African Black soap is perfect for natural hair, be it kinky, 4a, 4b, 4c and even relaxed.

Coconut & Olive Oil
A go-to. Number one player for all things body and hair. A great carrier oil that keeps the hair oiled and shiny all day long. I’ll suggest going for homemade or cooking oils as the ones made for hair might be perfumed and mixed with some products that do not make it as natural as it should be. Perfect for daily use, conditioning and deep conditioning your natural hair.

Thinking of a way to add volume and strength to your hair. Deep condition with eggs at least once a month. Make sure to use oils so your hair does not become brittle and hard. Eggs are direct and best source of proteins for hair.

Hydration. Hydration. Hydration. Stay hydrated. Drink water. Spritz water on your hair daily. Wash your kinky hair with water. Rinse your kinky hair with water. Water, water, water. The hair loves water and thrives in it. Please be sure to stay hydrated and watch your curls bounce and bloom.
I hope you are nodding your head and saying yes, I have that, yes, I can do that. For me, I am saying, yes it is possible to manage and maintain your natural afro-kinky hair without breaking your bank.
This is me going back to writing delicious book boyfriends and girlfriends while I wait your comments.