What a year! Between birthing a tiny human (who’s already mastered the art of smiling for the camera), moving house (a task I don’t recommend while having a baby), and enduring a commute to the city, so long it feels like I’m traversing continents daily, I somehow managed to write, publish, and still eat occasionally. Here are some highlights!
2024 Highlights
- Amazon Royalties: Growth! Turns out, writing books people actually love is a solid plan. I gained momentum, achieving over triple last year’s earnings. But there was a cost for this because my Amazon ad spend was about 1.86 times the royalties I earned. In summary, I did not breakeven.
- Amazon Ad Spend: Invested significantly more in ads, testing growth strategies. I spent enough on ads to wonder if Amazon should send me a “Preferred Customer” badge.
- TikTok Shop Sales: Dipped a toe into new waters and came out with results (and followers).
- Newsletter Subscribers: From 504 to over 1,200 subscribers. You all are the real MVPs!
- Free Ebooks: Gave away over 10,000 ebooks via Amazon Kindle (besides other platforms). That’s like Oprah saying, “You get a book! And you get a book!” Except I wasn’t yelling into a microphone.
- Publications: Delivered 3 books in the “All of Me” trilogy, pre-launched the omnibus, and wrote Picture This, a short story to introduce the new series, Catching Feelings. It’s giving “busy, but make it creative.”
- Influencer Outreach: Partnered with some amazing influencers to spread the word about my books. Seeing readers engage through those efforts has been priceless.
- Books Read: Over 50 books read, which is about half of last year, but I also produced more and changed a lot more diapers. I’m calling it a win.
Final Thoughts
2024 has been fueled by equal parts grit, love, and baby giggles. I stretched myself in new ways (because clearly, having a baby and writing wasn’t enough chaos). I have so much planned and outlined for next year, starting with Femi, The Yoruba Demon you’ll be falling in love with. Oh, and if you haven’t grab your free ecopy (while it lasts) of Picture This on my Website.
Thank you to every reader who bought, downloaded, reviewed, or shared my work—you keep me going.
2025, I’m coming for you!